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Targets and Prospects

Help meet the massive need for life insurance in the underinsured middle market.

    • 120 million American adults need life insurance or more life insurance1 

Make more sales with life solutions that fit your clients’ needs and goals with flexible, affordable products. 


Highlight Sheet

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Seller's Guide

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Where We Fit Best

Meet the needs of more clients with a broad life portfolio with hard-to-find features and customization. Our products are perfectly suited to different ages and stages from children's coverage to a tool for wealth transfer. 

Young professionals
Growing families
Established families
Single parents
Stay-at-home parents
Small business owners
Children or grandchildren
People wanting extra retirement income
People who want to leave a legacy
People looking to transfer wealth

Small Business Owner Advantages

Help the millions of small business owners protect their families and their businesses no matter what life brings their way.  

• Offer value-added coverage options, riders and business-friendly processes
• Keep businesses running with key person coverage
• Give employees access to affordable, flexible coverage with the convenience of list bill

Conversation Starters

Ask these questions to help your clients realize the value of life insurance. 
• How would your family manage if you died unexpectedly? 
• Could your loved ones stay on top of bills or stay in your home without you or your income? 
• Do you want to leave a legacy to your children or grandchildren? 
• How are your savings keeping up with inflation? Would they be enough for your family if you died?
• Did you know life insurance can come with benefits you can use while you’re still alive?

1 LIMRA and Life Happens, 2024 Barometer Study, 2024