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Critical Illness

Assurity’s Critical Illness Insurance pays a lump-sum cash benefit upon diagnosis of a covered illness or procedure. Clients can use the money however they wish – for day-to-day expenses or to help cover deductibles, treatments, or other bills. You can customize coverage with a wide selection of optional riders like the Return of Premium Rider.

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Product Highlights

Issue Ages: 18-70, age last birthday

Benefit Amounts: $5,000 – $75,000

11 Covered Conditions: include cancer, heart attack1, stroke, advanced Alzheimer’s, organ transplant, kidney failure and more

Multi-Benefit Payout: pays on each covered condition with a 6-month separation period2

Guaranteed Renewable for Life3


Target Markets

  • Complement to high-deductible health plans

  • Mortgage protection solution

  • Stay-at-home Parents

  • Business Owners

Underwriting made easy

Get your business on the books faster and easier with simplified underwriting and instant decision.

Underwriting Classes

  • Male/Female; Non-Tobacco and Tobacco

No medical exams

  • 1.Heart attack does not include established (old) myocardial infarction occurring prior to the issue date, sudden cardiac arrest, cardiac arrest or cardiopulmonary arrest.
  • 2.Additional critical illness cannot be caused or contributed to by a critical illness for which benefits have been paid.
  • 3.Reduced Benefit After Age 70 – On the policy anniversary immediately following the later of the insured’s 70th birthday, or three years from the policy’s issue date, the policy benefit amount will be automatically reduced by 50 percent. This will be the benefit amount available for the remaining years the policy is in force.