Accident Insurance
Accident Insurance pays a benefit to your clients when they suffer an accident or injury, complementing existing coverage and helping to reduce gaps. Money is paid directly to your clients and they can use the benefit for whatever they need. Offer powerful features like the built-in Accidental Death Rider, which pays a benefit if your client dies in a covered accident, or customize with optional riders.

Product details
Issue Ages: Primary Insured Person and Spouse – ages 18-70; Child – 15 days through 17 years; as the Primary Insured Person or a dependent
Coverage Options: 24-hour or off-the-job
Plans and Benefit Amounts:
- Multiple plans to fit different needs and budgets
- Coverage for families, individuals or unique juvenile-only plans
- Coverage benefits and benefit amounts vary by plan. See the benefit details.
Guaranteed Issue: No medical exams or tests to qualify

Target Markets
Young adults
Families with children
People with high deductible health plans
People searching for supplemental coverage
Underwriting made easy
Guaranteed issue coverage provides a fast application and decision with no medical exams or tests to qualify.
Underwriting Classes
- Unisex, unismoke
No health questions